


The Collegium of the research program Zukunftsphilologie is an interdisciplinary and international collaboration of researchers in the humanities who share an intellectual and programmatic commitment to a critical recuperation of philology in accordance with the objectives of the research program Zukunftsphilologie. Together with the director of the research program, the members of the Collegium bring their own scholarly projects into conversation with the postdoctoral fellows and the activities and publications of the research program. Members contribute to workshops, lectures and winter schools in Berlin and elsewhere, and take part in the annual evaluation and selection of postdoctoral fellowships. The Collegium is also part of the editorial board of the program’s publication series Philological Encounters. In line with the program’s objective of revisiting philology from a critical, global perspective, the Collegium strengthens ties between the Berlin-based program and the universities and research institutes of its members.

The Collegium of Zukunftsphilologie consists of the following persons:

Manan Ahmed (Columbia University), Michael Allan (University of Oregon), Elisabetta Benigni (University of Turin), Whitney Cox (University of Chicago), Islam Dayeh (Freie Universität Berlin, coordinator Zukunftsphilologie), Adrien Delmas (Institut Francais, South Africa), Ananya Jahanara Kabir (King's College London), Shamil Jeppie (University of Cape Town), Rajeev Kinra (Northwestern University), Marcel Lepper (Deutsches Literaturarchiv Marbach), Sumit Mandal (National University of Malaysia), Markus Messling (Centre Marc Bloch/ Humboldt University of Berlin), Pascale Rabault-Feuerhahn (CNRS Paris), Ronit Ricci (Australian National University), Umar Ryad (University of Utrecht), Nicolai Sinai (University of Oxford), Shaden Tageldin (University of Minnesota)