Do. 24 Mai 2012
– Sa. 26 Mai 2012
Lingua Franca: Explorations of the Literary Geography of the Mediterranean World (May 24-26)
Elisabetta Benigni (Zukunftsphilologie-Fellow 2011-2012 am Forum Transregionale Studien) and Michael Allan (EUME-Fellow 2011-2012 am Forum Transregionale Studien)
Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin, Villa Jaffé, Wallotstr. 10, 14193 Berlin
Elisabetta Benigni (Zukunftsphilologie Fellow 2011-2012) and Michael Allan (EUME Fellow 2011-2012)
Karla Malette (University of Michigan), Giuseppe Mandalà (CCHS-CSIC, Madrid), Pier Mattia Tommasino (CCHS-CSIC, Madrid), Joana Gomes (University of Porto), Michel Kabalan (Freie Universität Berlin), Charbel Dagher (Balamand University, Lebanon), Abdelkebir Cherkaoui (Casablanca), Mohamed Dahi (University Mohamed V, Rabat), Maria Elena Paniconi (University of Macerata) and Shaden Tageldin (University of Minnesota)
Many of the works first presented during this international workshop were later published in Lingua Franca: Towards a Philology of the Sea, edited by Elisabetta Benigni and Michael Allan. It is a special issue of the journal Philological Encounters.
The full workshop description including program, abstracts and biographies is available for download here: Workshop program
Poster and Brochure
In recent years, a wealth of scholarship has attempted to reframe the geographical grounds of literary analysis. Where previously the nation-state was the category through which texts would be contextualized, scholars have begun focusing trans-nationally on literary geography, shifting from national territories to consider maritime regions, trade routes, and intersecting zones of cultural interaction. The Mediterranean world literalizes many of the concepts now integral to literary study, especially as it overlaps with transnationalism, transregionalism and ocean studies. By emphasizing the shifting relations of the Mediterranean and placing translation, transformation and transculturation in the foreground of textual analysis, this workshop aims to supplement strictly philological discussions of language and literature with considerations of the intercultural dynamics of textual encounters. How are texts not just linguistically but also culturally transformed during their travels? How have translations contributed to the transnational standardization of certain key concepts, values and texts? The workshop questions specific texts in terms of what they tell us about the possibility of a Mediterranean context for philological and literary analysis.
Photos: Saeko Shibayama
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