The journal Philological Encounters (PHEN) is dedicated to a historical and philosophical critique of philology and promotes critical and comparative perspectives with the aim of integrating textual scholarship and the study of language from across the world.
Philological Encounters welcomes innovative and critical contributions in the form of articles as well as review articles of usually two to three related books, preferably from different disciplines. It is open to contributions from all disciplines studying the history of textual practices, hermeneutics, philology, philological controversies, or the global history of writing, archiving, tradition-making and publishing. An overview of previous issues and a more detailed overview of the submission process can be found on the journal's webpage.
Commentary Cultures: Technologies of Medieval Reading, the new issue of the journal Philological Encounters, consists of the following articles:
- Commentary Cultures: Technologies of Medieval Reading, by Islam Dayeh
- Visual and Verbal Commentaries in Renaissance Astronomy: Erasmus Reinhold’s Treatment of Classical Sources on Astronomy, by Pietro D. Omodeo and Irina Tupikova