Print Cultures in the Making in 19th and 20th-Century South Asia: Beyond Disciplinary Boundaries, the new special issue of the journal Philological Encounters consists of the following articles:
Print Cultures in the Making in 19th- and 20th-Century South Asia: Beyond Disciplinary Boundaries, by Cristina Pecchia, Johanna Buss, Alaka A. Chudal
Vision, Worship, and the Transmutation of the Vedas into Sacred Scripture. The Publication of Bhagavān Vedaḥ in 1970, by Borayin Larios
The Limbu Script and the Production of Religious Books in Nepal, by Martin Gaenszle
Modern Nepali Oral Transmissions of Vetālapañcaviṃśati Stories to Europe, by Alaka Atreya Chudal
Printing the Goddess: Intersections of Language, Place, Technology, and Agents of Transmission in Nepali Manuscript and Early Print Culture, by Jessica Vantine Birkenholtz
Early Hindu Sectarian Printed Books: An Analysis of a Tamil Library, by Richard S. Weiss