World Philologies Seminar
Thu 18 Apr 2013 | 16:00–19:00

Style at the Scale of the Sentence

Franco Moretti (Stanford University / Fellow of the Wissenschaftskolleg 2012-2013); Chair: Markus Messling (Universität Potsdam)

Freie Universität Berlin, Raum KL 24/122d, Habelschwerdter Allee 45, 14195 Berlin

The presentation will be based on research we are doing at the Literary Lab at the University of Stanford, entitled "Style at the Scale of the Sentence": unlike the great tradition of stylistic analysis [Spitzer, Auerbach, Watt], which analyzed style at the level of paragraphs or even larger textual units, our research focuses on very small textual segments, in order to see what it suggests about the "emergence" of style as a distinct phenomenon, and what are the possible implications for stylistics as a whole. In the second part, we will be discussing Weber’s essay "Wissenschaft als Beruf"/Science as a Vocation

Seminar Texts:

  • Weber, Max: "Wissenschaft als Beruf" in Schriften 1894 – 1922 (ed. Kaesler, Dirk), Stuttgart: Kroner, 2002
  • Weber, Max: "Science as a Vocation" aus "Wissenschaft als Beruf" in Gesammelte Aufsätze zur Wissenschaftslehre, Tübingen, 1922

Franco Moretti is Professor of English and Comparative Literature at the University of Stanford and currently Fellow at the Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin in the year 2012-2013. He is author of Signs Taken for Wonders (1983), The Way of the World (1987), Modern Epic (1995), Atlas of the European Novel 1800-1900 (1998), and Graphs, Maps, Trees (2005), and is chief editor of The Novel (Princeton, 2006). He has founded the Center for the Study of the Novel and, with Matt Jockers, the Literary Lab. He writes often for New Left Review, and his work has been translated into over twenty languages.    

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