World Philologies Seminar
Thu 23 May 2013 | 16:00–19:00

Philology and the Politics of Tradition Among Arab Intellectuals

Ridwan al-Sayyid (Lebanese University, Beirut); Chair: Islam Dayeh (Freie Universität Berlin)

Freie Universität Berlin, Raum J24/122d, Habelschwerdter Allee 45, 14195 Berlin

In this lecture, Ridwan al-Sayyid will be examining the influence of 19th and 20th century Islamist, nationalist, revivalist and liberal politics on the forging of Arabic and Islamic ‘tradition’ [Arabic, Turath] and the attendant philology, editorial choices and historiographical debates that it has yielded.

Ridwan al-Sayyid (born 1949) is Professor of Islamic Studies at the Lebanese University of Beirut. He studied at al-Azhar University (1970), and later earned his doctoral degree from the University of Tübingen in 1977, where he studied Semitic philology and comparative religion. His research interests focus on the edition of classical sources relevant to Muslim political thought, modern Muslim thought and the history of scholarship. Al-Sayyid has been invited as guest professor at various American and European universities, including Tübingen, Frankfurt, Salzburg, Harvard and Chicago.A prolific writer, translator and political commentator, al-Sayyid was the editor-in-chief of al-Ijtihad, a leading Arabic language periodical for over two decades and is currently editor of the journal al-Tafahum. His publications include Die Revolte des Ibn al-Ašʿaṯ und die Koranleser: ein Beitrag zur Religions- und Sozialgeschichte der frühen Umayyadenzeit, Freiburg 1977; Community and Society (Arabic), Beirut 1997; Political Issues in Contemporary Islam (Arabic), Beirut 1998; The German Orientalists: Origins, Developments and Outcomes (Arabic), Beirut 2007. He is also translator into Arabic of Franz Rosenthal’s The Muslim Concept of Freedom Prior to the Nineteenth Century (Beirut 1979, 2007), Rudi Paret’s Muhammad und der Koran (Beirut 2009), Roy Mottahedeh’s The Mantle of the Prophet: Religion and Politics in Iran (Beirut 2007), and Richard W. Southern’s Western Views of Islam in the Middle Ages (Beirut 1984, 2006).   

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